A gum graft is a surgical procedure that addresses gum recession. It is usually done to improve oral health and prevent tooth root exposure. A periodontist, a gum specialist, performs gum graft surgery to ensure that the gum supports each tooth and prevents dental issues such as tooth sensitivity.
When Should You Consider Gum Surgery?
Scheduling regular dental visits are vital in ensuring oral health. The dentist will check the status of your teeth, and if there are any signs of gum recession, they might recommend gum graft surgery. In this case, you can consider gum graft surgery if your gum pulls away from the teeth.
Besides, this procedure might be a good solution if you have severe periodontal disease. When you have periodontitis, you may experience deep pockets. These pockets can hold food debris and bacteria leading to gum inflammation. Gum surgery helps to create an environment that will make it easier to eliminate bacteria and food particles.
Who Is An Ideal Candidate For Gum Graft Surgery?
Gum graft surgery is often performed for patients with receding gums. Living with gum recession can be challenging. Gum recession means having sensitive teeth and increasing the chances of tooth decay. However, not everyone qualifies for gum graft surgery. In most cases, patients with good overall health are perfect candidates for gum graft surgery. This procedure involves minimally invasive techniques. Hence, if you have certain disorders, such as a compromised immune system, you may be at high risk of experiencing issues after the treatment.
Besides, your gums should be free from gum diseases. This is because unhealthy gums can increase the chances of failure. In this case, any gum or tooth issues must be treated first before gum graft surgery. It is good to understand that the sooner you schedule appointments for gum graft surgery, the quicker your gums will be healthy again. In this case, it is wise to consult your dentist as soon as you notice oral issues. Our professionals will help to determine whether you are an ideal candidate for gum graft surgery.
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