A dental crack can occur at any time. Perhaps you were chewing on hard crunchy foods, or bit down wrong on an exposed dental filling. It could be that you involuntarily clench or grind your teeth while you sleep. A cracked tooth can be the result of a variety of scenarios. If you have a dental crack, it is important to deal with it right away. Don't wait for your tooth to become worse!
What Could Happen if You Ignore a Dental Crack
If your dental crack is a craze line, which is a microscopic crack in the enamel, you do not have to do anything. Chances are you will not even know that you have it. If you see a dental crack on your tooth, it is important to act. If the crack is near or around a dental filling, this is called a fractured cusp. Call us right away to get the tooth fixed so that the crack does not get infected and then infect the inside of the tooth. If your dental crack extends into the gum line, prompt treatment could save your tooth. If you do not get in right away, the crack could continue into the root and cause you much pain. Lasty, if you have an extensive dental crack, we will do what we can to save the tooth.
Dental Exams Can Help Keep Your Mouth Healthy
When you come to our office every six months, we will look for dental cracks as well as other abnormalities. We will inspect and polish every tooth. We will work with you on any treatment options we suggest. We have your best interest in mind and want to save your teeth, even if you have an extensive dental crack. Give us a call today so we can talk about some options for your induvial situation.
EASY TO FIND LOCATION Next to the Marysville Safeway Plaza
Dental Blog | Tania Tran, DMD - Grove Street Family Dentistry Dr. Tania Tran has provided this educational blog as a resource for the community. We hope that this blog will cover subjects you may be interested in. Call us! Grove Street Family Dentistry - Tania Tran, DMD, 1533 Grove Street, Marysville, WA 98270-4325 | (360) 659-3200 | grovestreetdentist.com | 2/12/2025 | Page Terms:dentist |