Dangers that Come with Having a Dental Abscess
Posted on 2/8/2021 by Office |
If you get a dental abscess, you need to contact us immediately. A dental abscess will not resolve itself, as it results from a dental infection. If you have an infection of this type, it can easily spread to other parts of the body.
What Is a Dental Abscess?
To better understand the dangers of a dental abscess, it helps to define it. As defined on the Mayo Clinic website, a dental abscess is a pocket of pus that results from a bacterial infection. The abscess can form in different areas of the tooth. For example, a periapical abscess develops at a root's tip while a periodontal abscess appears in the gum beside a tooth root. If the pocket of pus bursts, you still need to have the abscess treated, as the infection can easily spread to other body parts. When this happens, a condition known as sepsis can develop, which can lead to a breakdown of body systems and, in some cases, end in death. That is why you need to take this type of dental condition very seriously.
Does a Dental Abscess Have Symptoms?
An abscess will not always produce immediate symptoms. However, when the condition worsens, you may experience a fever, pain, and bad breath. If the abscess does not burst, it must be drained. With respect to treatment, we will need to perform, in most cases, a root canal. We may recommend the use of antibiotics, as well, to get rid of the infection. In some instances, the tooth may need to be extracted. An abscess usually forms because a cavity is left untreated, the patient experiences an injury, or the patient has not replaced old dental restorations.
If you believe you have an abscess or have deep decay, you need to call our office immediately. The sooner you treat the abscess, the better for your overall health and dental hygiene. Give us a call today if you need to arrange an appointment for an exam.