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Signs Your Root Canal Failed

Posted on 2/29/2020 by Office
Signs Your Root Canal FailedDid you know that a root canal can fail? This can even happen years after you've had the procedure. A root canal is designed to help you keep a tooth that has a severe infection or deep tooth decay.

The procedure removes the part of the tooth that is infected along with the roots, but even though it's filled with material to prevent an infection, it is possible for the tooth to later decay and even fall out. How do you know if your root canal has failed? Here are some of the signs.

The Tooth Becomes Tender

If you notice pain when you bite down or if the tooth feels tender when you touch it with your tongue or finger, it could indicate that the root canal has failed. It may not hurt that much, but it can also be a sudden source of severe pain. You may feel more pain when you bite down or when you tap against the tooth. This occurs when the tissue around the root of the tooth has become inflamed. It can indicate that the tooth wasn't filled correctly or that new decay has occurred in the tooth.


Another sign of a failed root canal is when the gums near the tooth become swollen. This can indicate that either the original infection was not fully eliminated or that the tooth has become infected again. Even if you don't necessarily see a swollen area, if you touch the gums near the tooth and feel any type of pain, it's likely infected.

Sensitivity to Hot or Cold

A root canal failure can also lead to a sensitivity to hot or cold foods and drink. If some of the nerves weren't removed, it will still be painful.

If you believe your root canal has failed, we need to treat it as soon as possible. Call us today to set up an appointment.
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